Rick Schwartz NEWS

What Sets Domains Apart from ALL Other Investments is CONTROL.  1110
Stop comparing domain names to the wrong things. What sets Domains apart from ALL other investments is CONTROL. Let me show the importa...
Rick Schwartz - Friday, December 8, 2023 - 6:12
I Want to Enable Dreams and Dreamers. Million Dollar Domains for as low as $1000/month!  6909
I want to enable dreams and dreamers and I have the unique vehicle to do that and do that in dozens of industries. I can all but guaran...
Rick Schwartz - Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 12:21
Rick Cashes Out: Gets $7.1 Million Candy.com Bonus 14 Years After the Sale!  4589
Afternoon Folks!! This past week was a field of dreams. After a 2.5-year drought and selling no domains while Bitcoin, Crypto, NFTs and...
Rick Schwartz - Monday, October 2, 2023 - 16:28
TRAFFIC 2024: 20-Year Reunion May Be a Reality!!  2080
TRAFFIC 2024 Announcement!! After a 10-year hiatus, I will be forming an exploratory committee next week with the hopes of having a 20-...
Rick Schwartz - Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - 16:38
Nobody Reading This Today Will be Alive When Domain Names Reach Their Full Value. Nobody!  3347
Morning Folks!! Branding is about consistency. Branding is about repetition. And ultimately branding is about sales. No sales, no brand...
Rick Schwartz - Friday, September 22, 2023 - 8:19
From Domain Investor to Angel Investor.  2025
Morning Folks!! I wear a lot of hats, and I have developed a lot of talents over the years. Not artistic. Couldn’t draw much more than ...
Rick Schwartz - Friday, September 15, 2023 - 11:5
What Does Popcorn and Grass have to do with Domains?  1228
Morning Folks!! In my eyes, I have this vision and have compared Domains to two things: Popcorn and blades of grass growing on a future...
Rick Schwartz - Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 9:3
The Most Important Lesson I Ever Learned About Buying or Investing in Anything!!  1931
The most important lesson I have learned about buying or investing in ANYTHING is; I’d rather overpay for wonderful than get a bargain ...
Rick Schwartz - Sunday, September 10, 2023 - 18:19
Common Ignorance, Now Married with Uncommon Arrogance!  1928
Morning Folks!! Domain investing and domain flipping are basically two different businesses. Two different ways of thinking. Two differ...
Rick Schwartz - Saturday, September 9, 2023 - 9:0
Probability versus Possibility.  2083
Probability versus Possibility. That is where most domainers and inexperienced folks go off the deep end. They’re in the “Anything is p...
Rick Schwartz - Friday, September 1, 2023 - 14:37
What Ai & Chat Will Do for Domain Investors. The 50,000 Foot View.  1903
Ai & Chat = New Ideas New Ideas = More Investment More Investment = More Money More Money = Expansion Expansion = Higher Demand Hig...
Rick Schwartz - Friday, September 1, 2023 - 14:14
Discoverable things are Real Before They are Even Discovered.  1572
Did gravity not exist before it was discovered? Great domains are the most valuable Real Estate in the world. Is there any skyscraper w...
Rick Schwartz - Friday, September 1, 2023 - 8:59
The NFT That Can Make or Break Your Online Business  1296
DOTCOM Domains are the ultimate NFT and so much more. It’s not crappy art, apes and punks that are basically meaningless. Domains...
Rick Schwartz - Thursday, August 31, 2023 - 7:57
The Path to Becoming a Top-Notch Domain Investor  1457
Morning Folks! You can’t be a top-notch domainer, without understanding business You can’t be a top-notch domainer w/o understanding sa...
Rick Schwartz - Saturday, August 12, 2023 - 11:13
Domain King’s Personal Guide and Bible to Buying and Selling Meaningful Domain Names.  1526
I try to lead by example. Look at Domains I buy & the prices I pay & what I sell them for. $655 for TurboTutor *com meets my criteria. ...
Rick Schwartz - Sunday, August 6, 2023 - 10:37

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