More gloom predicted for .com227 Verisign is predicting more shrinkage at .com and .net in 2025, despite a few notes of optimism from its CEO. The company said last nig...
$3,000 to do a Whois lookup?122 ICANN’s Registration Data Request Service cost hundreds, maybe even thousands, of dollars every time it was used in its first yea...
LA wildfire victims get domain deletes delay107 Victims of the recent wildfires in the Los Angeles area have been offered special relief from renewing their expiring domains, accordin...
$10 million ICANN giveaway winners picked182 ICANN has picked the beneficiaries of up to $10 million it plans to give away in the first year of its Grant Program. The board of dire...
Whois officially died today245 Domain registries and registrars are no longer obliged to offer Whois services as of today, the deadline ICANN set for formally sunsett...
Could ICANN approve an R-word gTLD?173 ICANN could be faced with the headache of approving or rejecting a new gTLD containing a term broadly considered a slur for the first t...